First excuse my bad English.
Here is the concept:
I have to implement multiple xslt transformations.
How many transformations shall be executed, depends on how many xml files will be in a separate directory/folder. So the problem is: How to tetll the build.xml (the ant build file) to do a loop that iterates a task for each file in a directory.
This is meta code is an attempt to describe the idea:
in="." out="report_(n+1).xml" style="ConstantStylesheet.xslt">
The stylesheet will not change per transformations, only the input and the output files.
refers to the coherent xml file as an input for the xslt processor.
is to tell the processor that the output file name will be suffixed with subsequent name of the input file.
If I specify same output for each transformation the output file will be overwritten each iteration.
If it is not possible in build.xml(the ant script), any ideas are very much wellcome.
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