I have created a form for a POST request, but I need to send an array of information that must be not visible in that form.
The array consist in a not specified number of other arrays.
My array is called "$dati" and is made by a not bounded number of arrays with three information each.
The code of my form is:
<?= $this->Form->create(null,['type'=> 'post', 'url'=>['action'=>'selectForSell2',$rassegnaselezionata->id,$showselezionato->id,$proiezioneselezionata->id ]]) ?>
<?= $this->Form->input('stato', ['options' => ['tutti' => 'Tutti i Soci', 'firmato' => 'Soci Firmati', 'approvato' => 'Soci Approvati'] ] ); ?>
<?= $this->Form->input('campo', ['options' => ['cognome' => 'Cognome', 'nome' => 'Nome', 'codicefiscale' => 'Codice Fiscale'] ] ); ?>
<?= $this->Form->input('ricerca', ['label' => false, "class" => " form-control input-medium", "placeholder" => __('Ricerca'), 'visible'=>false]); ?>
<?= $this->Form->button(__('Submit')) ?>
<?= $this->Form->end() ?>
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