Parsing Grape params in an XML request with complex nested body including attributes

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I'm trying to achieve this with Grape. I need to send relatively complex XML bodies including element attributes, something like shown in this sample:

<PTC Quantity="1">ADT</PTC>

And I'm trying to define nested params following a popular convention when converting XML to JSON (here just to ruby) which looks like this:

optional :Travelers, type: Array do
requires :Traveler, type: Hash do
optional :AnonymousTraveler, type: Hash do
requires :PTC, type: Hash do
requires :_Quantity, type: Integer
requires :__text, type: String

But obviously the XML parser is not following this underscores-based convention and throws the error messages:

[Travelers][Traveler][AnonymousTraveler][PTC][_Quantity] is missing
[Travelers][Traveler][AnonymousTraveler][PTC][__text] is missing

Any clue on how to intercept XML body parameters parser and include this convention logic?


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